Friday, July 3, 2009


Well, I had another one of my great ideas! All 5 Tuggles should load up and go to Sonny's Fast Track to play putt-putt golf. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a "family fun center". Of course that means that the Tuggles would have fun.......right!?! We di have fun, but I think it might be a while before we do it again. It was too long. The boys got bored after a few holes, and it was a million degrees. I ended up with about 75 mosquito bites also.


  1. Well at least you go lots of good pictures out of the day! They are so cute!

  2. I am not a good putt-putter either. It sometimes seems a little long for me too!! Looks like they had fun though. Hope you guys had a good 4th!
