Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008.....What a year!!

Wow! I can't believe that this year is already over. This has been quite a year for us. We have experienced so much this year. I am sitting here thinking about some of the stuff, and it doesn't even seem real. When I tell the story, people always look at me like I am crazy. Sometimes my response is "Do you really think I could make all that up??" I am not going to lie.....it has been tough. I am sure at one point or another we have all felt like giving up. There has been a lot of bad stuff, but it has all led to much more good. I guess the best and most obvious thing is Zeke. We didn't think the little guy would ever get here.......and he almost didn't........but he is here now and is more awesome than we could have ever imagined. Our family has grown so much closer. I think we've all learned not to take as much for granted. I know I have. We take so much for granted and don't even think about it. I remember the first time I wiggled my toes after the stroke.......I never knew something so small and insignificant could mean so much. I never thought I would be pretty much learning to walk again. Those first steps I took were so emotional. I am so blessed to be where I am today. I get so frustrated sometimes when I can't keep my shoe on my left foot b/c it's still a little messed up, but then I am reminded about all the things I could be missing out on. Every time my sweet little Zeke cries I think of when he was born and I didn't hear that sound. I thank God each time. I have always heard the saying that you don't realize what you have until its gone. That is so true......I am so thankful that i get to realize all that I have. I have been able to expereince God's awesome power this year in so many ways. I know that the circumstances haven't been the most pleasant at times, but it was well worth it. I was thinking that I hoped 2009 would be a better year because it couldn't be much worse. I know it could be worse, but the more I think about it I don't know much much better it could get. I have experienced things most people won't ever get the privilege of experiencing. I have felt God's love in ways I never thought possible. The good of 2008 most definitely outweighs the bad. I don't really do resolutions, but I would like to do some things in 09. I'd like to let the dishes pile up in the sink because I am too busy playing with the boys. I would love for my tummy to be sore.......not from doing crunches but from laughing so hard at my silly boys. I could go on and on, but I realize how long this post already is. I guess it is sort of heavy stuff. So, on a lighter note.... I took Ian to the dentist today. It was the first time. He was very excited b/c I had been preparing him for all the fun for 2 days. We went to Dr. Eggers who has been my dentist since I was Ian's age. He was fabulous. They did x-rays, cleaned his teeth, counted them, and he was perfect. He did fall out of the chair head first, but he was fine. He was really excited about the cars toothbrush he got, and mommy was really excited that his teeth are healthy. Dr. Eggers said they are about as close to textbook as you can get. So far his thumb sucking isn't affecting his teeth......but he doesn't have to know that. He was very excited to come home and show everyone his "new teeth".

I hope that everyone has an excellent new year!! May God's blessings be abundant!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

a Merry Christmas

Making our birthday cake for Jesus.
The final product...........it tasted better than it looked!

Zeke in his new Bumbo seat........thank you Aunt Sissi!

The boys on Christmas morning.......waiting so patiently to open presents while mommy took pictures.

Well, Christmas has now come and gone. We had a great time with our family and friends. Of course we ate too much, got way too many presents, and spent more money than we should've. I do have to say that we did better this year. It gets better each year as our boys begin to understand more and more about what Christmas is really about. We had a great time celebrating Jesus' birthday. We made Him a cake as we have since Ian was 1 and Luke was a tiny baby. This year we actually sang and blew out candles. We had 10 candles. I am not sure why 10, but each boy wanted 5. The boys have enjoyed their presents that everyone got them. They got kid digital cameras and have taken hundreds of pictures. I'll post some later if there any interesting ones. They also love their karaoke thing they got. They sing and dance and can watch themselves on TV. Luke absolutely loves it.........it is quite entertaining. We are doing okay and looking forward to this next week together before we all (including mommy) return to work and school. A horrible stomach virus made it's rounds last week but we all seem to be over it now. We had one trip to the ER (Chad) but I think everyone was able to enjoy all the yummy Christmas food for the most part. We spent Christmas Eve Eve at GranDee and Pop's with Aunt Sissi and Lauren and Blair. Needless to say there was no Silent Night then! The kids had a blastand awoke to a yummy breakfast and lots of stockings and presents. We rode out the storms with the whole Craven family that night. We lost power, so we had a candlelight dinner and even opened presents in the dark.It was a little chaotic, but a lot of fun. We didn't get to go to my grandmother's because my uncle is in the hospital and they were there with him. Please keep him in your prayers. We awoke on Christmas morning at home and had our usual fesivities, then my parents and sister and niece came for a wonderful dinner and of course more presents. We have had some time to relax now and of course play with all ofour new things. Zeke is once again yucky. He just finished his 2nd round of antibiotics but still seems to have the crud. He is getting so big! He has moved into a size 2 diaper and is now eating babyfood. He loves him some peas!!! This boy can eat! Ian has developed a horrible cough and will probably make a visit to Dr. Jud in the morning. It might just be a family visit. I'll update again as the week unfolds.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Do we really want to be normal????

Everyone knows that the past year has been quite eventful (to say the least) for the Tuggles. For the last few months I have just wanted things to be back to "normal". We are trying and praying hard for that to happen. We've moved back to our house and are trying to get back into a regular routine. I will go back to work in a couple of weeks as well. Over the past 2 or 3 weeks we have been to Dr. Jud numerous times, 2 different urgent care clinics, and at least 4 or 5 specialists. At least one of us has had either an ear infection, strep, bronchitis, sinus infection, slight pneumonia, or a stomach virus. I was looking through my planner from last year and realized that last year was about the same. I guess this is the norm for us. I guess its true to be careful what you pray for! I'm not complainig though. I am so thankful to be here and be able to take care of my family.........sick or well. I must apologize if this post is hard to follow. I have been up pretty much all night and have just finished a pot of coffee. Poor Ian started throwing up around 6 last night and threw up about every 20 minutes until 6:30 this morning. Chad & I are experts in that area. Thats what I came home to after spending the majority of my day at Dr. Jud's with Zeke. Both of his ears are still infected and have actually gotten worse. I am getting better and better at sucking out snot. He slept for about 14 hours last night. I guess he made up for me and Chad. He is much better today. He is helping me type this. The big boys had their Christmas program at school yesterday. They were too cute! I have some video I will post if I can figure out how. Pictures will have to do for now.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Monday already????

I can't believe its already Monday. The weekend flew by. I love it when we are all home. This was sort of a slow weekend for us. I finally slept off the drugs from the colonoscopy by Saturday afternoon. We got pizza and ice cream and had a family movie night that ended up with Mommy and Daddo watching the movie (Cars) and the boys playing. Zeke ate and went to sleep. Two things he does so well!! After church on Sunday I went to Urgent Care b/c I realized my "cold" was getting worse and wasn't going away. I got a nice big shot and some antibiotics and feel better already. The boys sang at church Sunday night. Well, Luke sang and Ian stood there. He was really good and still though. He kind of looked like he was praying. They were so sweet.....until afterward when I had to leave and take Luke to the bathroom to spank him. He didn't really have a nap and was letting every know how ill he was. He quickly fell asleep after we read for the 5th night in a row the Chtistmas story book. He ususally ends up in bed with me around 2 or 3. I have given up on putting him back in his bed. I just throw him over me and go back to sleep. I'm sure all the mommies out there totally understand! Zeke and I will be headed back to St. Vincent's once again today. I have to go have an ultrasound. I know Zeke enjoys our trips to the gyn. We will probably visit Target on our way home, since we have done basically no shopping. Now I am going to finish my popcorn and the Cosby show and try to get some sleep.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What a week!!

This has been a long week. I have driven to Birmingham 4 days this week for doctor appointments. Zeke and I have seen 4 different specialists between the two of us. The physical therapist said he is doing fine, and the neurologist released him as well. He said there is no reason to think that he will have any problems in the future.........yay God!! As for me I had a visit with a gyn and a GI doctor to try to determine what is causing some pain I am having. I had a colonoscopy today.It wasn't bad. We left St.Vincent's and went straight to Olive Garden to eat and then to Hobby Lobby and Wal-mart. I am really sleepy, but alright otherwise. The dr said everything he saw was normal. I will get some results from blood tests in about a week. I go back to the gyn on Monday for another ultrasound. I guess we'll see what that shows. I think it is time to get some sleep now.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let's give it a try!!

OK- It seems like everyone has a blog now, so I thought I'd give it a try. This might be easier than my email updates. Today's post will be short since I am just beginning. Today was Ian's 4th birthday. We have already had the boys party, so we went to a friend's skating party. It will be a while before my boys are ready to skate! Most of us are sick, but that's nothing new. Zeke has an ear infection. Luke is just getting over strep and an ear infection. Ian was sick a couple of weeks ago, but his eye started oozing stuff tonight. I just sneezed 37 times and I feel like my throat is swelling shut. We must be the snottiest family ever. I hope another trip to Dr. Jud is not in the near future. I wanted to at least make it to the 2 week check up. We already have a week full of doctor visits. I go tomorrow, and Zeke goes to the physical therapist and neurologist on Wednesday. If all is well that will be the end of all his specialist appts until his surgery in June. It will just be normal baby check-ups. Isn't God great!! Ian has his first school field trip on Tuesday as long as he is well. Thursday is also a special day. Ten years ago on Dec 11 Chad and I had our first date. Wow......time really does fly by. Alright, I think it's time to go join Zeke and go to sleep to the wonderful sound of the vaporizer.

Here is the birthday boy.......he is so proud to be 4!!