Zeke in his new Bumbo seat........thank you Aunt Sissi!
Well, Christmas has now come and gone. We had a great time with our family and friends. Of course we ate too much, got way too many presents, and spent more money than we should've. I do have to say that we did better this year. It gets better each year as our boys begin to understand more and more about what Christmas is really about. We had a great time celebrating Jesus' birthday. We made Him a cake as we have since Ian was 1 and Luke was a tiny baby. This year we actually sang and blew out candles. We had 10 candles. I am not sure why 10, but each boy wanted 5. The boys have enjoyed their presents that everyone got them. They got kid digital cameras and have taken hundreds of pictures. I'll post some later if there any interesting ones. They also love their karaoke thing they got. They sing and dance and can watch themselves on TV. Luke absolutely loves it.........it is quite entertaining. We are doing okay and looking forward to this next week together before we all (including mommy) return to work and school. A horrible stomach virus made it's rounds last week but we all seem to be over it now. We had one trip to the ER (Chad) but I think everyone was able to enjoy all the yummy Christmas food for the most part. We spent Christmas Eve Eve at GranDee and Pop's with Aunt Sissi and Lauren and Blair. Needless to say there was no Silent Night then! The kids had a blastand awoke to a yummy breakfast and lots of stockings and presents. We rode out the storms with the whole Craven family that night. We lost power, so we had a candlelight dinner and even opened presents in the dark.It was a little chaotic, but a lot of fun. We didn't get to go to my grandmother's because my uncle is in the hospital and they were there with him. Please keep him in your prayers. We awoke on Christmas morning at home and had our usual fesivities, then my parents and sister and niece came for a wonderful dinner and of course more presents. We have had some time to relax now and of course play with all ofour new things. Zeke is once again yucky. He just finished his 2nd round of antibiotics but still seems to have the crud. He is getting so big! He has moved into a size 2 diaper and is now eating babyfood. He loves him some peas!!! This boy can eat! Ian has developed a horrible cough and will probably make a visit to Dr. Jud in the morning. It might just be a family visit. I'll update again as the week unfolds.
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