Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things we did or didn't do......

Here are some things that we didn't do this past week:
-Have a stroke- This week was the year anniversary of my stroke. It has been quite emotional for me. I would wake up and think, Wow a year ago today I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance or I woke up and my left side was paralyzed or I had terrible seizures. Then I would think, Wow God is so awesome! I didn't dread having to get up and go to work........I felt so very blessed to be able to get up and shower by myself and go to work and walk everywhere with no special equipment of any kind. I remember all the talk about shower chairs and walkers and canes, etc. I never once used anything......not even the brace they sent home with me.
-Cook supper-I did not cook an actual meal even one day this week. We were so busy! I di however skip my class at the gym to make it to church to eat meatloaf!
-Go to yoga-I went to yoga for the first time last week. I am by no means flexible or graceful or any of that stuff, but I really liked the class. It was very relaxing and all the stretching felt great. I didn't fall down or hurt myself, but I did giggle a lot at the names of the poses. I do believe the downward dog is my favorite. I didn't go because I had to go to family night at West Jasper.
-Clean my house- I am learning to not be so anal and let the things that aren't that important go. I have decided that a spotless house is one of those things. We did straighten and do the basic stuff but no major cleaning this week.

Here are some things we did do:
-Lost a dear sweet family friend- Rejina Keeton went to live with Jesus on Tuesday........that's how Luke and Ian understand it, and I like that view myself. We will all miss her!
-Get hit by a speeding motorcycle- This would be Chado........He did get smacked by a crazy motorcycle man who was trying to get away from state troopers. The guy flew into the bed of his truck onto many bags of garbage.(I knew there was a reason to throw that garbage there!) He jumped ou, took off, and has yet to be found. Thank God Chad is ok. The truck is messed up but drivable. When someone makes a movie about the crazy life of the Tuggles, we'll be sure and put in this scene!
-Eat 19 chicken nuggets at Wendy's- This one would be Luke and Ian. Our boys can eat!
-Find Booger- Poor Luke lost Booger.....his favorite stuffed elephant(I jokingly said we should name him that and Luke thought it was hilarious so it stuck). Thankfully bubba Ian found him!
-Prepare a place for Zig-Zag, our dog, to have puppies- Of course I did this.......Chad can't even stand the thought. Poor Zig-Zag is so incredibly huge that she can barely walk......remember she's only got 3 good legs. She was whining and being all weird, so I figure they'll be here any moment. I hope this time goes well. Last time she did great, but the time before that I had to actually do most of it. I even had to tie off their little cords with thread. You should see Chad when I talk about it.;) I'll post pictures when they arrive.

This post could go on forever, but I must try to sleep.........morning comes quickly and there isn't enough coffee in the world to make Monday mornings good!


  1. I am glad I got to see y'all last night...

    The motorcycle story made me laugh, even though it is not funny that Chad's truck was messed up. People are so silly. And I can't wait to see puppy pics!

    You have the sweetest boys and your family is such a miracle! Love ya!

  2. I love your stories. Talking about how glad that you were to go to work last week because you had the ability to get up made me hate this Monday morning a little less. :)
